That’s What Friends Are For

I have many gifts but the one I’m most proud of is that I have so many great friends all around the world. I’ve always been a people person, likable and funny. That’s the Sagittarius in me. It also helps that most of the friends I grew up with I was able to keep in touch with and see while I spent so many years touring and passing through various cities and countries. I was able to meet their kids, catch up and keep the relationship going. Plus, most of them, I’ve shared some of the most awesome experiences that will forever solidify our bond, no matter how much time elapses between us seeing or hearing from each other. We just pick up where we left off with ease.

So it is with all that I feel that Facebook, and such, has minimized the value of friendship. The human relationship. The bond. Don’t get me wrong – I love Facebook but for more as a business tool to promote my music, events and some basic news. It does make it easier to keep in touch with old friends but that is usually just casual, superficial. I have over 5000 “friends”. Granted, I’ll say I actually know about 2500 of them personally and half that I’m actually close with. The rest, well, I’d be happy to meet in person and have a human relationship, a friendship, with. Most seem cool and like the kinda people I’d hang out with. At the least, I’m sure I’d be curious about their story. I love people’s stories. Their background. Their history. But, due to geographical restrictions and social etiquette, that’s almost never possible. Also how do you reach out, to a “friend”, on Facebook, that you’ve never met, and don’t know, without coming off like a stalker and such. Do you have to troll someone’s profile to gather info on them before reaching out. It seems sketchy. Lame. Impersonal and definitely not organic, which is the magic that makes great friendships. The time and place you meet in person, the setting, the people you’re with – that’s what makes it magic, makes it organic.

I don’t know the answer. I’m just so happy I have the great friends that I have and the new ones I meet. The coolest ones are the ones that just come together, like a great song. Feels right. Feels organic. It just comes together. And then the party starts…

Etan G is The Jewish Rapper and has no problem reaching out to his peeps on Facebook.

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